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Friday, October 22, 2010

Somewhat About Me!!!

Well, hey everybody my name is Laura Mendoza. I’ve been in ESP for 2 years. I am a junior and I am class of “2012”. Yey yea!!! I’ve had lots of experiences here at ESP. For example I got to join leadership with Mr. Mata. Now he is doing the “Journalism” class, and guess what people, I got him again. But he is cool. Ummm… kind of picky like my mom, but he is cool overall and funny too =). Anyways leadership was fun, (at times). Sometimes it was kind of frustrating and difficult but we did fine and Mata was always there to help us even though sometimes he was having a bad time, he is a very good teacher I would say. I learned a lot from leadership, I broke out of my shell now I am not that shy anymore and I am more of an outgoing and positive person. I believe anything is possible. I am really friendly person and easy to get along with. I like to help in anything I can and be involved in everything that goes on basically in school and no am not a NERD. Also, hear at ESP I met this guy I’m pretty sure you all now thee name is Hugo Ordaz; my boyfriend. He helped me a lot to overcome some stuff and to me Hugo is an example to follow. He had lots of problems but he made it and graduated from high school. Now he is going to college and I am proud of him. Also I learned and got to experience DANZA AZTECA. Danza comes from somewhere in Mexico many years ago. I learn to dance it thanks to Ms. Huerta another teacher here at ESP. Its just so amazing how she was prego and she will still dance and move better than anybody in the class, and she was Prego!!! I mean, I admire her. We learned a lot from her and it was totally a new experience. We got to make our own trajes for Danza and our copilis, which is the head piece. We also learned to help each other and work as a team. We only got to perform 3 or 4 times, I remember our first performance was in 5 de Mayo. I was really nervous because it was my first time and also dancing in front of people, and more than anybody, Hugo. Oh god it was kind of embarrassing but it went pretty well. The only bad thing that the floor was extremely hot and Danza you are supposed to dance it barefoot, we got lots of blisters. Some one had said the floor wasn’t hot, and when we came out guess what the floor was really hot.  Well nimodo right we had to dance anyways we were there already and people we expecting it. But it was all worth it and it was really fun am looking forward to it again. = ) until next time!!! 

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