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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hello, people my name is Jose Moncada an Im a player soccer, I been playing soccer since I was about 10 years old, I got into soccer because of my cousin. I would always go too his games, and I would like they way he tricked other players and make them get lost, not knowing where the ball was at. And now I play soccer myself and over the years I learned some of the tricks my cousin used to do and more. Well my position in soccer is defense and forward, but I mostly play defense because I just like too defend the my goalie, and stop the player from the other team from making goal, I also like it because I can show my athleticism by, doing high jumps and kicking the ball out of the danger zone its just exciting when a player is coming towards you trying to make a goal and trying to trick you with the ball, then u just follow him and try to take the ball away from him, and when u do u give it to your team mate and then and your other teammates try to make a goal yourself.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Confessions Of A Outgoing Teenager

By Karla Rodriguez

Whats up esp ? Well to start off, my name is Karla Rodriguez, vice president of your school ,:) and what your about to read is about young teenager girls who are a bit too wild and uncaring.Girls !!from esp take a look and read.To start with first thing i disagree with is girls who go out and get super drunk and don't end up knowing what happened during the night before or during the parties they attend .When that happened you find out allot of news the next day about what you did and not very nice stories about you that people are saying :( its something u really don't want because when young people talk  about one another its most likely to be something bad about you.Drunk teenagers always seem to not remember anything when their drunk.Girls who like to drink i recommend for you not to do it because we do look really bad .Not only that but you can go threw allot of dangerous moments .People are bad they might take advantage .So !!ESP girls have a healthy and caring out going life:)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Live Itt, Love Itt, Own Itt(:

Life In The Fabulous Lane!
It Can Be A Scary World!
Francis R.

Hey Dudes!
My Name Is Francis Rivera And I Am 17 Years Young.
*I love my life and live it to the fullest, but it can be hectic at times. I won’t lie my life isn’t perfect but i appreciate what i have. There are days that can be thrilling to me but there are days that just blow. Even Though I’m really optomistic & totally dislike negativity.. I love to keep myself busy so I’m always up and going taking care of things, for example school, family, and chores. It can get pretty messy when you have a trillion other things to do..lol.Weekends are my days to relax and take my mind off things. Shopping, pedicures, manicures, ice cream, and friends [calli dolls] relax me more than anything. I consider these my stress relievers or my drugs that i’m totally addicted to.! School is my main priority up to this moment. I love being involved and helping friends or even other individuals. I’m very greatful that I was elected SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT. It’s a total complete honor to represent all seniors class of 2011. :D 
***HEY wanna keep reading about my everyday rollor coaster?? Then follow me on this blog, oh & post a comment i’ll LOVE to hear from you;;teeheee(: 

The Lyrics of Life (:

*1, 2, 3, 4 *

By: Gloria Rivera
Hi there, my name is Gloria Rivera. I chose to write about lyrics because I’m into music a lot. To me music is my life, I listen to mostly anything. I don’t pay much attention to the “Categories” that high school puts you in. I don’t believe how people think that if you’re a rocker all you could listen to is rock, or if you’re a paisa all you could listen to is corridos. There are many teens, even adults who hear music but don’t really listen. To me a good song isn’t just about the rhythm but the meaning to the song.

*1, 2, 3, 4 *
-Plain White T’s

Give me more lovin’ than I’ve ever had.
Make it all better when I’m feelin’ sad.
Tell me that I’m special even when I know I’m not.
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad.
Barely gettin’ mad,
I’m so glad I found you.
I love bein’ around you.
You make it easy,
as easy as 1 2, (1 2 3 4.)
There’s only one thing two do three words four you.
I love you.
(I love you)
There’s only one way two say those three words
And that's what I’ll do.
I love you.
(I love you)
Give me more lovin’ from the very start.
Piece me back together when I fall apart.
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends.
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad.
Best that I’ve had.
I’m so glad that I found you.
I love bein’ around you.
You make it easy,
As easy as 1 2, (1 2 3 4.)
There’s only one thing two do three words four you.
I love you.

Hello. (:
I chose 1,2,3,4 by: Plain White T’s because I think that it’s a really well written song. This is a band with good songs, but my favorite one would be this one. It’s not really a song about love and couples, it’s also about friendship. This song helps you understand the true meaning of the word friendship and how real friends help out when you need them the most. Even if they know that you are wrong, and they are right, they’re by your side in good times and bad times. This song talks about friends that will do anything to make you feel better when you’re down. It’s surprising when you find out exactly how many people truly care about you and how many don’t. It’s kind of like when one of your friends has suffered a break up, and the only thing that you can think about doing is telling him/her that everything will be okay, when you know it won’t. It’s hard when you try to make him/her feel better with false statements. I remember when I broke up with my boyfriend. I was super sad, and the song that one of my best friends made me listen to was “Big Girls Don’t Cry”. To tell you the truth it made me feel worse. I remember hearing that song during lunch with tears rolling down my cheeks. When she noticed that instead of making me feel better she made me miserable. She played 1,2,3,4 for me, and that brought the first smile of the day on my face. Even though that very same morning I felt like the most unwanted person in the world just hearing “ I love you” it made me realize that many people go through break-ups, that it wasn’t the first one in my life and it obviously wasn’t going to be the last one. (:


TV shows are one of the most common things teenagers like to watch for fun.(: To find a show that could give you drama, romance, and comedy all at once is difficult to find. In this blog I'm going to talk about the most popular watched TV shows teenagers like to watch. I'm Kimberley Medina and I'm going to keep you up to date with your most favorite TV shows. Everyone is watching Jersey Shore and wants to keep up with the Kardashians, and I'm gong to help you do so. I hope you enjoy watching and reading what's going on in your favorite TV shows.

Rock On! >:)

Cookie Monster is so hardcore but it’s my passion and my style!

I wasn’t into rock much back then, however now things are way different. I’ve expanded my music genre into that of crazy screaming in which you can’t understand anything. Yeah, pretty much! Basically you will think its nonsense and that the cookie monster from Sesame Street is singing every single song but no, for your information that scary cookie monster I speak of is the way I enjoy my music like any other person would.
However each breaks down into many subgenres such as screamo, hardcore, deathcore, grindcore, and so forth. My style is on those bands out there that call my attention because various elements are mixed in of what? Techno or electro breakdowns which are so freaken wicked! I personally love to listen to bands which are very well known, well at least to hardcore rockers, like Bring Me The Horizon, Arsonist Get All The Girls, Drop Dead Gorgeous, The Black Dahlia Murder, Suicide Silence, Blessthefall, The Devil Wears Prada, Asking Alexandria, and waaayyyy many more bands! Music like this definitely pumps me up and fills me with such energy that’ll make me wanna kick some @%$!! (not literally)
Sure, sure most of you people will complain and say, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LISTENING TO?!?! But hey, hey chill man! Let’s not forget that such music as this also brings meaning in its own very unique ways. Lyrics are a must at times since even I won’t understand what songs say however the fact remains and that’s that this music, although might give most weaklings a headache, will catch your attention and make you wonder, hey despite all those grounds, I feel like I can connect and share same emotion, (may vary) if you relate then awesome, if not den damn go on Youtube and start listening to these bands NOW!!