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Monday, November 1, 2010

Live Itt, Love Itt, Own Itt(:

Life In The Fabulous Lane!
It Can Be A Scary World!
Francis R.

Hey Dudes!
My Name Is Francis Rivera And I Am 17 Years Young.
*I love my life and live it to the fullest, but it can be hectic at times. I won’t lie my life isn’t perfect but i appreciate what i have. There are days that can be thrilling to me but there are days that just blow. Even Though I’m really optomistic & totally dislike negativity.. I love to keep myself busy so I’m always up and going taking care of things, for example school, family, and chores. It can get pretty messy when you have a trillion other things to do..lol.Weekends are my days to relax and take my mind off things. Shopping, pedicures, manicures, ice cream, and friends [calli dolls] relax me more than anything. I consider these my stress relievers or my drugs that i’m totally addicted to.! School is my main priority up to this moment. I love being involved and helping friends or even other individuals. I’m very greatful that I was elected SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT. It’s a total complete honor to represent all seniors class of 2011. :D 
***HEY wanna keep reading about my everyday rollor coaster?? Then follow me on this blog, oh & post a comment i’ll LOVE to hear from you;;teeheee(: 

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