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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hello, people my name is Jose Moncada an Im a player soccer, I been playing soccer since I was about 10 years old, I got into soccer because of my cousin. I would always go too his games, and I would like they way he tricked other players and make them get lost, not knowing where the ball was at. And now I play soccer myself and over the years I learned some of the tricks my cousin used to do and more. Well my position in soccer is defense and forward, but I mostly play defense because I just like too defend the my goalie, and stop the player from the other team from making goal, I also like it because I can show my athleticism by, doing high jumps and kicking the ball out of the danger zone its just exciting when a player is coming towards you trying to make a goal and trying to trick you with the ball, then u just follow him and try to take the ball away from him, and when u do u give it to your team mate and then and your other teammates try to make a goal yourself.

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